堪薩斯城先知運動(Kansas City Prophets)的其中一位創始人
他經常週遊世界各地,分享《聖經》並神所給他的各種超自然的異象和異夢,他亦是Streams Ministries International 基督教事工創辦人。
在2008年,他已接收到神對2012年的預言,而其中有一大半的預言他是不明白的,但當中最重要的一句說話就是:「2012 年有禍了!」
當中共有14 多分鐘的預言,在這三年裡,他就只分享這14 分鐘的預言。
John Paul Jackson 有關2012 年的預言
So what are things that are coming or perhaps better said, what are the consequences of our choices that are coming? Here are some other things that I have seen so far.
In the geophysical arena, I keep hearing a sentence in some dreams that I have had as well as in my prayer times. And I keep hearing this one sentence: "The woes of 2012. The woes of 2012."
在地球物理方面,我不斷聽見一句話,無論在夢境中或祈禱的時候,都不斷聽見這句話:「2012 年有禍了!2012 年有禍了!」
I don’t know what that means, but I do know this: the time frame that we have been entering into is not a short time frame. It’s going to last quite some time, and we are going to become closer to God for it.
Some other things that are gonna be happening in geophysical issues are: jet streams are seemingly going to go wild to weather forecasters and cause major weather shifts around the world.
There will be drought in some areas and water from some of your faucets will be more expensive than oil. Some cities, in fact, will evacuate thousands because of not enough water to meet their needs. As Amos 4:7 says, “I or God, I make it rain on one city and I withheld rain from another city.”
某些地區將會面臨乾旱,而好些自來水會比石油更貴。有些城市將會有過千人撤離,因為將沒有足夠用水供應日常所需。《阿摩司書‧4 章7 節》說:「我(神)降雨在這城,不降雨在那城。」
Earthquakes will begin to strike not only coastal areas, but even the Midwest will experience a devastating one. And in fact, the Midwest may experience one before any coastal city does.
A volcano will erupt and begin to become active and eventually erupt in the United States again.
There will be thunderstorms with soft ball size hail, and 24 inches of rain within a 24-hour period of time. There are going to be places where 3 feet of snow will fall in a 6-hour period of time. There will be times when tornadoes strike this nation with winds of more than 350 miles an hour.
大暴雨夾雜著壘球般大小的冰雹將會出現,並且24 小時內會有24 吋降雨量。有些地方將會在6 小時內降下3 呎深的積雪。此國家亦將會遭受風速超過每小時350 英里的龍捲風吹襲。
And there will also be tornadoes in unusual places; one of those places that typically don’t have tornadoeswill experience them.
There will be a hurricane that is striking this nation with winds over 180 miles an hour and storm surges that flood miles inland. There will be a hurricane, at least one hurricane with a storm diameter of around 500 miles.
將有一個風速超過每小時180 英里的颶風吹襲此國家,而風暴潮導致洪水延伸內陸數英里,至少有一個直徑長約500 英里的颶風將會出現。
There will be an unexpected blight that is going to hit the type of hybrid seed and weaken the yield as almost like a strike of God against the mind of man who thinks they can control seed output.
In addition to drought and devastation from storms, these storms are actually going to dramatically cut into various harvest, and national food shortage will happen as a food storage program begins to be depleted.
There will be epidemic that will take many lives and that will not just be in the United States, but will also be here and elsewhere. And my lecture began elsewhere and came in here.
There will be signs in the Sun, Moon and stars just as the prophet Joe spoke of the bubble around our solar system. I’m not exactly sure what this means, but just reporting what I have seen. The bubble around our solar system is weakening. And harmful rays will end up coming in and form doomed major skin sores or skin diseases that have been undetected before.
太陽、月亮和星星將會出現異兆,正如先知Joe 談到有關太陽系周圍的氣泡。我不完全肯定這是甚麼意思,只是在報告所看到一切。 太陽系周圍的泡沫正在減弱。有害的光線最終會來到地上,並引發致命的皮膚瘡或過往從未被發現的皮膚疾病。
Another thing that’s going to happen is that the Earth’s magnetic fields are going to begin to shift and asthey shift, large cracks are going to form in the shield. This is going to somehow allow the solar winds toaffect weather patterns here in the United States and other places in the world. This will also cause majorproblems in satellites in communication systems between airplanes, and satellites, and ground system etc.,your cable TV, for example. There’s going to be a time where airplanes will even be grounded because of communication difficulties.
Concerning the aspect of war, a dirty bomb will explode in a port city here in the United States. Israel will experience new and more devastating attacks with physical nuclear material being released. Israel will then retaliate with missile strikes, and Israel eventually will bomb Iran, and anti-Semitism will escalate as fuel
costs will begin to soar once again.
Russia is going to try to enhance this escalation of tensions by creating an oil crisis. They’re going to end up taking and try to take control of Ukraine and they will continue to arm Iran with weapons to further ignite an oil crisis because conflict is the goal. And with conflict in the Middle East, all prices will escalate. And Russia needs the oil price escalate in order to meet the financial obligations and to rebuild the
infrastructure that they are currently trying to rebuild.
There's a new “Mother Russia” type of mentality that is going on to recreate the former Soviet Union. It may not be called the Soviet Union again. I don't know. But I do know this - the Russia is raising its head again and an old monster is coming out of hibernation.
一種新的「俄羅斯母親」的思想正在蘊釀,目的是重建前蘇聯。它可能不再被稱為「蘇聯」。我不肯定,但我倒知道一件事 ── 就是俄羅斯正在抬頭,一隻老怪物正從休眠狀態中甦醒。
When President Mubarak in Egypt is no longer the leader of Egypt, a new terrorist leadership will take his place and terrorism will begin to take even more - a greater, higher profile than it has before.
Pakistan will end up becoming much more terroristic-oriented and become a harbinger of terrorist even more than it is today.
On the economic side of things, a bubble of hope is going to come to this nation but it will be
short-lived. And in that span, there is going to be just enough time for godly people to make the necessary adjustments. However, it will not be a time to take on additional debt.
Commercial paper and credit card problems are another domino that has yet to fall. And I have seen fall as joblessness increases, and buildings lay empty. I saw malls that were more than half-empty, and stores that were closed, strip malls, and other type of malls. With this, nobody's leasing the buildings, or very few are leasing the buildings, so there's no lease payment that the owner needs in order to cover the debt service on the building. So, there will be commercial paper that will be the problematic in economic issues, especially with lending institutions.
商業票據和信用卡會是即將倒下的骨牌。我看見失業率攀升,許多樓宇空置。我看到商場大半都是空置的,商店都關閉,包括零售商場和別的商場。因為沒有人租用這些建築物或租用率太低的緣故,業主缺乏租金收入來支付樓宇按揭, 因此,許多商業票據會產生違約問題,貸款機構會特別受牽連。
So then they have asked me, a financial planner the other day asked me whether there will be stagflation or deflation or inflation or hyperinflation. and I had to look at him and tell them: it's going to all of these. They are all waves of a quickly changing economic sea. What has worked in the past will only work for a brief period of time in this changing economic era. There're going to be so many things. It's going to be more difficult than ever to forecast investments.
But know this, God will guide those investors that He can trust. Those that He can't trust then He would not bless them as he would love to.
The dollar is going to begin to lose value and it is going to become near on par with the Peso and the Canadian dollar. A new North American currency is going to be established. The euro has set the stage for many may call the Amero dollar. And it's all in the plans right now.
There will be many more reports of new financial corruption that's gonna be uncovered even in the months and years that lie ahead. Again, this is a long-range problem, not a short-term issue.
People will start to grow their own food in some cities. And in one or two cities, I actually saw them trying to pull up the streets in order to try to grow food.
On the political front, we need to pray for the president, President Obama. We need to pray for his protection. There's a plan by Islam to try to take his life, and that would be the worst thing that could happen.
You say, why would Islam want to take the president's life? Because it wants to start riots here as a means of destabilization and to divert attention from its own activities. With regard to what we are going to face, and I pray, I pray against this. All these things I don't want to happen.
But we are going to see the worst riots in history. Some may call those race riots, but they actually may be more economic in nature. Economic difficulties cause mobs to roam the streets, and the Robin Hood mentality begins to escalate, in order words, taking from the rich in order to give to the poor.
There will be many more reports of new political corruption that is going to be uncovered at very high levels.
Terrorist activity will hit America again, as a flaw in the border detection system is discovered by our enemies.
Rural land will become very valuable as people leave the city to seek the security of an urban lifestyle.
Social security and other retirement accounts will become of little value, I’m afraid. I just want to say this about the social security system. In here again it’s the consequence of choices. You see there is very little that is wrong with the social security system that wouldn't be fixed if there are 30 million more people giving in to that social security system.
You see there are 30 million babies that would be wage-earning age at this time that are not giving input or financial inflow into the social security system. So in that sense, because they are aborted children, what we are now facing is a 30 million people shortfall in the social security system. So the reality is this: we got what we wanted but we will not like what we get.
The United States, as time continues to go on and economic crisis continues to escalate, the United States will bring home most of its troops in order to save finances. Because of the severity of the economy, the United States will end up cutting much of our foreign aid programs to international and developing countries. The result will be that international dictators and Islam will multiply.
In the religion field, Islam will try to force its way into our school systems. It will start by demanding that they have time to pray, so they take prayer away from Christianity, but they allow the Islamic factions the ability to do that. Islam again is going to begin to systematically work to control a government in some large cities in America. I didn’t see which one it is, but it could be Detroit.
As it begins to mount a multiplication project. I am not sure what the multiplication project means but that’s what I saw. Islam will continue to use threats to intimidate Congressional decisions. Islam will launch an initiative to have a President in the White House by 2024.
他們會開始實行倍增計劃。我不知道倍增計劃是甚麼意思,但這是我所看到的。伊斯蘭教將繼續使用威脅恐嚇國會決定。他們將計劃在2024 年或之前角逐總統一職,入主白宮。
Medical advances and organ transplants will make it possible for homosexual men to become in vitro fertilized and give caesarian birth.
Many churches will file bankruptcy, as payments on large buildings cannot be made. Large ministries will disband from financial difficulty. House churches will begin to grow in number as a need for intimacy increases.
Hidden sexual perversion in church leadership will be exposed. I’m not talking about the Catholic Church. I’m talking about elsewhere, and the numbers will be shocking to many of those remaining in the Church.
God has fashioned this time to be the most effective in getting our attention. When he wrote: “Now therefore speak to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the LORD;Behold, I am fashioning a disaster and devising a plan against you: return now every one from his evil way,and make your ways and your doings good.”
It is time for us to thinkseriously about what’s going on. Is this warning just for the United States? No. But it certainly includes the United States. I focused on the United States, but it is going to be worldwide.